1.0 Organization

1.1 Ownership

Workplaces must be fair, democratic, inclusive, and free from exploitative practices.

  • POSITIVE Partner Owned and Publicly Owned organizations.
  • NEUTRAL Privately Owned organizations in which the ownership is actively engaged in the day-to-day operations and where all workers have democratic say in important decisions.
  • NEGATIVE Privately owned organizations where the ownership is not involved in the day to-day operations, or the workers are denied a democratic say in important decisions.

1.2 Local Employment

Partners are encouraged to live locally once hired. Organizations will provide financial support to assist partners relocating where required.

  • POSITIVE Organizations whose partners live within a 10km radius of their principal place of work. Partners working remotely live within the 10km radius.
  • NEUTRAL Organizations with 80% of partners living within a 10km radius of their principal place of work.
  • NEGATIVE Organizations that fail to meet either of the above criteria.

1.3 Business Travel

Work-related travel should be minimized where possible.

  • POSITIVE Work-related average travel of less than 1,000km per partner, per year.
  • NEUTRAL Work-related average travel of less than 2,000km per partner, per year but more than 1,000km per year.
  • NEGATIVE Work related average travel of more than 2,000km per partner, per year.
  • NEGATIVE X2 Use of private or chartered aircraft for work related travel.

2.0 Environmental Impact

2.1 Consumption of Natural Resources

When compared with the performance of the median equivalent product or service that is currently available in the local marketplace.

  • POSITIVE The consumption of energy or natural resources that are greater than 25% more efficient by restoration.
  • NEUTRAL The consumption of energy or natural resources that are more efficient, but less than 25% more efficient by restoration.
  • NEGATIVE The consumption of energy or natural resources that are less efficient by restoration.

2.2 Harmful Emissions

When compared with the performance of the median equivalent product or service that is currently available in the local marketplace.

  • POSITIVE Harmful emissions released into the atmosphere are more than 50% lower.
  • NEUTRAL Harmful emissions released into the atmosphere are lower or the same, but less than 50% lower.
  • NEGATIVE The Harmful emissions released to the atmosphere are higher.

2.3 Societal Impact

The effect on people and communities when the product is used, or the service accessed.

  • POSITIVE Positive societal impact can be demonstrated and there are no known negative consequences.
  • NEUTRAL There are no known negative consequences.
  • NEGATIVE There are known negative consequences.

3.0 Production

3.1 Natural Resources

The natural resources required to produce the product or service are a component part of the product or service.

  • POSITIVE The natural resources used reverse environmental damage or lead to environmental rejuvenation without any known negative implications.
  • NEUTRAL The natural resources used in production are sustainable and their extraction causes no known environmental damage.
  • NEGATIVE The natural resources used are not sustainable, or their extraction causes environmental damage.

3.2 Power Consumption/Efficiency

When compared with median equivalent products or services that are currently available in the local marketplace.

  • POSITIVE The consumption of fuel or natural resources used during production is more than 50% more efficient by restoration.
  • NEUTRAL The consumption of fuel or natural resources used during production is than 20% more efficient, but less than 50% more efficient by restoration.
  • NEGATIVE The consumption of fuel or natural resources used during production is less than 20% more efficient by restoration.

3.3 Harmful Emissions

When compared with the performance of the median equivalent product or service that is currently available in the local marketplace.

  • POSITIVE Harmful emissions released into the atmosphere are more than 50% lower.
  • NEUTRAL Harmful emissions released into the atmosphere are more than 20% lower, but not more than 50% lower.
  • NEGATIVE Harmful emissions released into the atmosphere are less than 20% lower.

4.0 Suppliers

4.1 Local Supply

To minimize greenhouse gas emissions within the supply chain.

  • POSITIVE All supplies are sourced within a 50km radius of the organization’s principal place of work.
  • NEUTRAL 80% of supplies, by value, are located within a 50km radius of the organization’s principal place of work.
  • NEGATIVE Neither of the above criteria are met.

4.2 Environmental Accountability

To avoid organizations ‘exporting’ negative environmental activity and to incentivize overall environmental accountability.

  • POSITIVE All supplies are sourced from suppliers that meet the requirements to be categorized as positive under the Production requirements for natural resources, power consumption/efficiency and harmful emissions.
  • NEUTRAL All supplies are sourced from suppliers that meet the requirements to be categorized as positive or neutral under the Production requirements for natural resources, power consumption/efficiency and harmful emissions.
  • NEGATIVE Neither of the above criteria are met.

4.3 Supplier Ownership

To avoid organizations ‘exporting’ the exploitation of workers.

  • POSITIVE Partner Owned and Publicly Owned organizations.
  • NEUTRAL Privately Owned organizations in which the ownership is actively engaged in the day-to-day operations.
  • NEGATIVE Privately owned organizations where the ownership is not involved in the day-to-day operations.

5.0 Lifetime of Product

5.1 Service Life

The time from the sale/purchase of the product or service to the point where the product or service is no longer functional. When compared with the performance of the median equivalent product or service that is currently available in the local marketplace.

  • POSITIVE Service life is more than 25% longer.
  • NEUTRAL Service life is longer or equal to, but less than 25% longer.
  • NEGATIVE Service life is shorter.

5.2 Repairability

The degree to and ease with which a product can be repaired and maintained.

  • POSITIVE The product supplier will return the product to its original level of functionality for less than 50% of the original purchase price.
  • NEUTRAL The product can be disassembled and reassembled with ease. Service/repair documentation, all required tools and replacements parts are generally available at nonprohibitive pricing levels.
  • NEGATIVE Neither of the above clauses are met.
  • NEGATIVE X2 Products with built-in or planned obsolescence where extendedfunctionality is not a realistic expectation.

5.3 Recyclability

The degree to which a product may be re-used, recycled, or reintegrated into the environment.

  • POSITIVE 100% of the product, including packaging, is suitable for recycling and reintegration into the environment.
  • NEUTRAL More than 50% of the product, including packaging, is suitable for recycling and reintegration into the environment.
  • NEGATIVE Neither of the above clauses are met.
  • NEGATIVE X2 Products where any component part including packaging is detrimental to the environment at the end of the Service Life.

6.0 Intellectual Property

6.1 IP Ownership

  • POSITIVE X2 Any Intellectual Property created within the organization is shared publicly without charge to encourage innovation.
  • POSITIVE No Intellectual Property rights are owned by the organization.
  • NEUTRAL The originator of the Intellectual Property owned by the organization is an active member of the organization.
  • NEGATIVE The organization holds Intellectual Property that did not originate within its organization.

6.2 Intellectual Property Use

  • POSITIVE Intellectual property is in the commons.
  • NEUTRAL Intellectual Property is currently used with products or services sold by the organization.
  • NEGATIVE Intellectual Property owned by the organization is used under license by 3rd parties in products or services sold by the third parties.
  • NEGATIVE X2 The organization holds Intellectual Property that it is not actively used.

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